Welcome to the 2023 Cultural Coalition of Washington County Grant Application!
Before completing your application, please review the 2023 CCWC Grant Guidelines. For additional information about the application process, please visit ccwashco.org/grant-program. A few important things to note:
- Grant applications must be submitted through the online form at ccwashco.org/grant-program. Paper applications will not be accepted.
- The online form will NOT save automatically. You will not be able to return later to edit questions. We recommend you compose your responses to the narrative questions in a word processor offline and then copy/paste your responses into the online form. This ensures you have a backup in the event of technical issues.
- Tualatin Valley Creates (TVC) serves as CCWC’s fiscal agent and provides technical support for the grant application process. If you need technical assistance or have questions about the application, please contact info@ccwashco.org.
- The grant application period will open September 19, 2022 and closes at 11:59 pm on Monday, October 17, 2022. However, in-person support from TVC will only be available until 5:00pm on October 17th. We encourage you to complete your application early!
To apply for this grant, your organization must be either based in Washington County and/or request funding for activities taking place within Washington County, Oregon. Does your proposal meet those requirements? [ ] If yes, then proceed with application. [ ] If no, then you will not be eligible for the CCWC grant. | |
Organization Name | |
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) NOTE: The applicant must have their own EIN. Fiscally Sponsored organizations/projects are NOT eligible. | |
Mailing Address This will be the address used for official correspondence for all documents pertaining to this grant. | |
City | |
State | |
Zip Code | |
Website | |
Important note about contact information: All communication regarding your grant application, award documents, reports, etc. will be sent via email. Please list contact information for the people in your organization who will be responsible for receiving, completing and responding to all grant related communications. Provide both a primary and alternate contact. | |
Primary Contact First Name | |
Primary Contact Last Name | |
Primary Contact Email | |
Primary Contact Phone Number | |
Alternate Contact First Name | |
Alternate Contact Last Name | |
Alternate Contact Email | |
Alternate Contact Phone Number | |
Year organization was established | |
Is your organization primarily an arts, heritage or humanities organization or an educational or government agency with an art, heritage or humanities mission? See Eligibility Requirements in the Grant Guidelines for more information. [ ] Yes [ ] No | |
Is your organization primarily a social service or religious organization that has an artistic or cultural component? [ ] Yes [ ] No | |
What is the name of the nonprofit cultural organization you are partnering with? | |
NOTE: Applications from social service or religious organizations are accepted only if they are in partnership with a nonprofit cultural organization for a joint project. Please attach (at the end) a letter from the partnering organization confirming their support and outlining their role in the partnership. | |
Eligibility Issue Applications from social service or religious organizations are accepted only if they are in partnership with a nonprofit cultural organization for a joint project. Please consult CCWC before continuing. | |
Is your organization a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, government agency, or public school? Required for $2,000 awards only. [ ] Yes [ ] No | |
Is your organization a Washington County Public School District or a 501(c)(3) Public School Foundation? Required for $5,000 awards only. [ ] Yes [ ] No | |
Which level of funding would you like to apply for? 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and public schools may request up to $2,000. Public school districts and district foundations may request up to $5,000. All other applicants may request up to $1,000. [ ] Level 1 – up to $1,000 [ ] Level 2 – up to $2,000 [ ] Level 3 – up to $5,000 | |
Did your organization receive a CCWC Grant in 2022? [ ] Yes [ ] No | |
Have you submitted the Final Report for your 2022 grant? If not, please explain why your Final Report has not been submitted. | |
Total Number of Staff | |
Total Number of Volunteers |
Proposed Project Title | |
Brief Description of Proposed Project: (limit 20 words) | |
Project Start Date NOTE: Projects must occur between 01/15/2023 and 12/31/2023. | |
Project End Date NOTE: Projects must occur between 01/15/2023 and 12/31/2023. | |
1. Check which Community Cultural Participation (CCP) commitments this grant proposal meets: Please check all that apply [ ] Public Awareness & Participation [ ] Support Cultural Organizations [ ] Increase Public Art & Performance Opportunities [ ] Support Diverse Cultural and Heritage Activities [ ] Increase Youth Access to the Arts | |
2. Your organization’s mission statement: (limit 100 words) | |
3. Provide a brief history of your organization and a description of your organization’s leadership. (limit 100 words) | |
4. Describe, in detail, the project and expected outcome for which you seek funding: ( (limit 200 words) | |
5. If your project is a performance, exhibit, or event (if applicable), please indicate the locations, dates, and times. (limit 100 words) | |
6. What impact will this project have on Washington County? Who is your target audience? How many people will be reached? If you have sponsored similar projects or events in the past, please provide prior attendance or participation figures. (limit 150 words) | |
7. Show how this proposal supports the CCP commitments marked in question 1. (limit 150 words) | |
8. Describe the abilities and capacities within your organization that will help to guarantee the success of your proposed project. Please include how you plan on marketing your project to ensure success. If you are a social service or religious organization applying in partnership with a cultural organization, please describe each organization’s role and how you will work together (limit 100 words). | |
9. If your proposal is for a public activity or event, and/or a project marketing plan please outline any COVID related precautions you have planned. Mark “N/A” if not applicable. (limit 100 words) | |
10. How did you learn about the CCP grants? Please check all that apply [ ] I’m a Past Grant Applicant [ ] CCWC Website [ ] Email or eNewsletter from CCWC [ ] Social Media [ ] Personal Referral [ ] Other |
Project Expenses The system will not allow you to enter dollar signs or commas in this field – just enter the absolute number in whole dollars – for example, enter 1000, not $1,000. | |||
Line Item | Description | Cost Rounded to whole dollars | |
1 | |||
2 | |||
3 | |||
4 | |||
5 | |||
6 | |||
7 | |||
8 | |||
Total > |
Project Revenue The system will not allow you to enter dollar signs or commas in this field – just enter the absolute number in whole dollars – for example, enter 1000, not $1,000. | |||
Funding Source | (C ) for Confirmed (P ) for Pending | Amount Rounded to whole dollars | |
1 | CCWC Grant Request | P | |
2 | |||
3 | |||
4 | |||
5 | |||
6 | |||
7 | |||
8 | |||
Total > |
Are your total expenses and revenue balanced? Your total anticipated expenses and total anticipated revenue should be the same number. [ ] Yes [ ] No | |
Total Grant Amount Requested Make sure this number is the same as the request amount shown on your budget table above! |
File Upload |
Please upload the following items. Title files as “Organization Name_Grant Year_Project Title_Request Amount_What. Example “CCWC_CY2023_Development_1000_Logo.TIFF” or “CCWC_CY2023_Development_1000_Celebration Photo.pdf |
1) Organizational Logo (JPG preferred, TIFF or PNG files also acceptable) |
2) One to three photos representing your organization and/or your proposed project that we can post on the CCWC website (JPG preferred, TIFF or PNG files also acceptable) |
3) If the application is from a social service agency or religious organization, attach a letter from the partnering cultural organization acknowledging their support of this project or event and outlining their role. |
See the bullet points at the top of this form. When you are prepared to submit your completed application, please hit the APPLY button in the application form on ccwashco.org/grant-program. You will receive an email confirmation that your application has been received. Applications must be submitted no later than 11:59pm on October 17, 2022. We strongly encourage you to submit early. Late submissions will not be accepted. |